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Qantas Frequent Flyer

Qantas Frequent Flyer is an award winning international airline delivering outstanding travel experience to London and is known for its focus on quality, innovation, style and dedicated passenger service.

  • Posts to your account within 24 to 48 hours

Miles Range


500,000++ 1.9¢


How many Qantas Frequent Flyer miles do you need?


Important Information:

  • Miles are only available in increments of 1,000.
  • If you purchase on Friday or on Saturday the miles will not post before Monday.

Qantas Frequent Flyer Miles Online: Making you ready for the next flight

Frequent fliers love to hoard airline miles through airline loyalty programs in order to get some discount on their next flight tickets or win their next free tickets. Frequent fliers, who want to have lower fares for their regular travel, prefer to win these miles as a token of free travel. When it comes to having free tickets in lieu of earned miles, air travelers face a lot of difficulties in the form of various hidden conditions and limits. All this prevent travelers from getting a free or discounted ticket. In maximum cases, air travelers are asked to pay more per mile by airlines that add burden to their pockets.

In such conditions, air travelers think to have a better and improved solution to their genuine problems. And, that solution comes from us. With our affordable Asia Miles program, you need not to depend on the mercy of airlines to get what you deserve. We come out to your rescue when you are short on miles by offering you chances to buy miles with convenience.

Male Professional Standing With Hands In Pockets - Isolated

Why choose us:

  • We render preference to the comfort and convenience of the customers who want to buy airline miles.
  • We are associated with different airline partners and numerous non-airline partners.
  • We use certain credit card points transferable to various renowned airline mileage programs.
  • Like various airlines that sell airline miles at a costly price, we sell 1, 000 miles only for $ 19 to make airline miles affordable.
  • We allow air travelers to purchase as many as miles they wish or need.
  • There is no limit on transferring of airline miles.
  • Our airline transferring process takes only 24 hours to transfer your miles.
  • Our working procedure is flexible as we work according to the changing needs of frequent flyers.